Andreas Regnskab

Andrea Perei

Billy-certificeret Revisor

"Because we know your difficulties as a company owner in Denmark"

Andreas Regnskab

We are a small accounting and administrative company with 10 years experience in entrepreneurship in Denmark. Our company operates now with 5 friendly and super helpful colleagues. Our strong side is communication and answering your questions in a short time, therefore you will not flounder around in a mystery.

Majority of our customers are expats, but we love to help the native Danish business people as well. We speak English, Danish, Hungarian and Spanish.
Based on our background we know the struggles you face as an entrepreneur and also as an expat. We are here to help you with any company related issues such as opening a company, establishing it fully, salary administration, VAT calculation and reporting, annual and preliminary reports to the Danish Authorities.
Besides we provide services on many administrative areas such as tax card application and registering, A1 form application, keeping contact with Danish authorities in different issues, in short we are your help in any issues connected to your Danish business life.
Our customers have PMVs, EMVs, I/Ses or ApSes. The fields of their activity vary such as consultancy, start-up, research, development, cleaning, construction, personal training, media, industrial production, tourism etc.
Would you like to be the next one who we can help?

Andreas Regnskab revisor i Brøndby

Andreas Regnskab er en Billy-certificeret revisionsfirma, der har erfaring med at betjene en bred vifte af selskabsformer. Hos Andreas Regnskab får du en revisor/bogholder der kender regnskabsprogrammet Billy, og tilbyder professionel økonomisk rådgivning og revision, hvor den gode service er i fokus.

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